The Texas Labor Podcast
“The Texas Labor Podcast” brings to the table discussion on all things labor. From the standpoint of the ones getting it done! Discussions range from worker’s rights to labor shortages and policies, and yes, even the politics that affect us all. Using history as our guide, we explore how we got to where we are and how we may be able to leave things a little better for the next generation of American workers.
The Texas Labor Podcast
Labor attorney Jay Youngdahl explains essential worker rights.
Today, Labor Attorney Jay Youngdahl joins us to discuss some essential rights that workers in the US have. Just as valuable and important as the right to free speech and the right to a fair trial, worker rights provided under the FLSA and NLRA should be understood, exercised, and vehemently protected! We discuss our Weingarten rights and Concerted activity. Jay also makes mention of the recent Supreme Court decision and the Texas HB 2127, helping us to understand how laws and decisions like these impact us as workers.
In Labor History, we learn of an example of extreme worker oppression. Known as the largest labor uprising in United States history, the Battle of Blair Mountain, is an example of a time in US history when not only was worker oppression supported by the state, but by the federal government. The battle included the deployment of federal troops to rein in the workers and force them back to their "masters". The Battle of Blair Mountain has a lot to teach us: first ,the reality that our rights are not free; and secondly, that, as in most cases in history, companies will stop at nothing to suppress the collective voices of its workers; Finally, not only has the US government remained complacent in the violation of American's basic human rights, but has often been an active participant.
Contact us at thetexaslaborpodcast@gmail.com
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