The Texas Labor Podcast
“The Texas Labor Podcast” brings to the table discussion on all things labor. From the standpoint of the ones getting it done! Discussions range from worker’s rights to labor shortages and policies, and yes, even the politics that affect us all. Using history as our guide, we explore how we got to where we are and how we may be able to leave things a little better for the next generation of American workers.
The Texas Labor Podcast
A look inside the Truckers Movement for Justice, conversation with Billy Randal & Oscar Lovos.
6/9/2023 *Truckers Movement for Justice w/Billy Randal & Oscar Lovos.
The working conditions have gotten so bad for many of our nations truck drivers that thousands are beginning to join in a fight to facilitate industry wide reform. Wages have dropped by nearly 50% over the past 40 years, drivers are required to wait for long periods of time to be loaded and unloaded with no pay, in some cases up to 36hrs.
Today we hear directly from two members of the Truckers Movement for Justice sharing the first-hand accounts of this injustice, wage theft and out right corporate greed. Billy Randal & Oscar Lovos two drivers from totally different backgrounds and generations share a commonality in that they believe strongly that the Trucking industry needs to change its practices. That drivers need to be paid for the time worked and the only way to accomplish this change is for drivers from across the country to come together in solidarity and demand better!! You can show your support and learn more by visiting their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/TruckersMovementforJustice/
In today's labor history segment we learn about the Ludlow massacre of 1914 where men, women, and children were murdered by company thugs and the Colorado National Guard because they believed in the right to liberty and equality through fair and dignified treatment of workers. What happens after they join with the United Mine Workers of America is a sad reminder that the rights and privileges that we have as workers in America are not the natural biproduct of corporate benevolence, but the result of Americas workforce standing together in the face of violence, and harsh oppression for a chance at the American Dream.
Buried Unsung Louis Tikas and the Ludlow Massacre. Zeese Popanikolas
The Ludlow Massacre & Class war in the American West: Blood Passion. Scott Martelle
Killing for Coal: Americas deadliest labor war. Thomas Andrews.
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